Check out the PepsiCo Lays case
How NeuroPricing™ increased Lays' profits
PepsiCo wanted to know the effects of a price increase of 0.25 Turkish Lira on Lays chips in Turkey. The possible effects were studied using questionnaires and NeuroPricing™. Check out the striking contrast in results produced by both methods and how NeuroPricing™ prediction more closely resembled the actual sales data.
"We believe future pricing questions should be answered using NeuroPricing® because the results are significantly more accurate than those of alternative research methods."
Vildan Ekmen, Revenue Strategy Manager PepsiCo Frito-Lay, Turkey
Get in touch
Andries van der Leij
Head of Research & Development
Do you want to know more about EEG or other techniques?

Walter Limpens
Senior Client Executive
Do you want to know what Neurensics can do for you?

Do you want to know more about EEG or neuromarketing techniques we use? Don't hesitate and contact Andries.

Andries van der Leij
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Do you want to know what Neurensics can do for you? Don't hesitate and contact Walter.